Saturday, June 2, 2007

My 8 things!

Apparently there is a little game of tag going on in the Blogger world. The rules are, that if you are tagged by someone you need to post 8 facts about yourself on your blog and then turn around and tag 8 other blogging friends. I have been Tagged by Jennifer Horak . So here's my 8 facts!

  1. I will soon be leaving Dollar Tree and move to Wal-mart Super Center on July 12th, 2007. Hooray I get to break in the Store!!!!
  2. I love to see the sun out and shining so bright! When its out, I want to be there too!
  3. I really want CURLY hair. Its just not in my genes! I know there are ways to make your hair that way, but IT COSTS MONEY!
  4. I love to find things at any discount stores or garage sales or even if the big named stores have them on sale!
  5. I like to garden but I don't like the bugs that go along with it. Bugs make me run!
  6. I would like to go and visit all of my friends that don't live near by such as: Charity and Seth Streblow, Jessica Rabe, Jennifer and Jordan Horak, and Julia and Jason Rabe.
  7. I would love to get my license to drive so I can accomplish number 6!
  8. I want to live on a farm and have a place for a in ground pool and just have fun and marry someone loving and caring!
Okay, now you all know 8 more things about me! Now I am going to tag: Jessica Rabe, Christa Schofield, Jessica Aucoin, Sasha Hennager, Paula Pudewell.
Now, you all should find some of you 8 items that you would like to tell us in the blogging world!


Charity Dawn said...

Fun facts Sara! I think you should get your license so you can come see us sometime too! And wow, Walmart! That should be a fun place to work. It's so neat that Fairmont will have a Walmart! That will be so handy for you guys.

The Horaks said...

Thanks for playing, Sasha! Those were so fun to read through!! I love the one about gardening!! Haha! That's the way I am too! :)

The Horaks said...

O my word! I can't even believe I called you Sasha! Hahaha! When you told me that, I didn't believe you so that's why I came back to double-check it...and you were right, I called you Sasha!!! Hahaha! I must be going crazy! :)